How Much Caffeine Is in a Coffee Bean?
Hot and soothing, with a fragrance that brings comfort and joy, coffee is an essential part of the day for people all over the world. Many can’t even conceive of the idea of starting the day without a flavorful cup of Joe. Coffee has become integral to morning routines because its natural caffeine provides a jolt of energy and alertness that helps people wake up.
But how much caffeine does each bean offer? We’re taking a closer look below.
How Do Coffee Beans Make Coffee?
The coffee bean plant is what provides all of the joy coffee brings to the world. This plant grows in tropical areas as a large evergreen shrub. There are two major coffee bean types, Coffea arabica, also known as Arabica coffee, and Coffea canephora, also called Robusta coffee. The plant yields fruits that mature over the course of nine months. Coffee beans are found within the fruit, typically in pairs.
When coffee fruits are harvested and cleaned, farmers separate the fruit from the coffee seeds, which are later roasted. After the roasting process, the green coffee beans are considered whole bean coffee. Roasting greatly affects the beans’ flavor. For example, longer, hotter roasting will generate a more intense taste and aroma in the coffee beans.
Next, the coffee is ground in a coffee bean grinder. The final product may be coarsely ground or finely ground, depending on what coffee brewing methods the brewer plans to use. Coffee bean brewing methods that work quickly (like when you make a cup of espresso) need a finer grind. Meanwhile, those that take longer, such as a drip coffee maker, require a coarser grind.
The Caffeine in Coffee Beans
In a single coffee bean, there are about 6 milligrams of caffeine; however, the exact measurement depends on the variety used in the coffee. For example, Arabica coffee has about 12 milligrams of coffee per gram, while Robusta coffee has about 22 milligrams per gram.
If you want more caffeine, you may be tempted to opt for Robusta coffee. However, this type of coffee is significantly more bitter with a much less complex flavor. Most coffee connoisseurs find Robusta much less pleasant to drink than Arabica.
Some people believe that the roasting style of the coffee bean also affects the caffeine level. Specifically, it is thought that darker roast coffee beans have more caffeine than lighter roasts. This is actually an incorrect assumption. Both light and dark roast coffee beans generally have the same amount of caffeine. The darker roasted coffee beans may make coffee with a stronger flavor, but that has nothing to do with the amount of caffeine that ends up in the brew.
Coffee Brewing and Caffeine Levels
While the basic levels of caffeine in coffee beans are quite consistent, the brewing method you choose does affect the caffeine level in the final cup. When you know how to brew coffee beans correctly, you can adjust the amount to what you might need on any particular day.
Here’s a quick guide to the caffeine levels of common coffee brewing methods:
- Coffee made using a French press has some of the lowest levels of caffeine, averaging about 108 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce cup.
- Drip coffee-making methods, or those made using a filter, have around 145 milligrams per 8-ounce cup.
- Coffee made in a percolator averages about 200 milligrams per 8 ounces.
In general, methods that have longer brewing times and finer ground coffee have higher levels of caffeine.
Get Your Caffeine Fix with Help from Café Brew
From coffee brewing tips to replacement carafes and more, Café Brew has everything you need to make your morning cup of Joe. Browse our selection of coffee products or contact us for more information!
What Is the Best Way to Compost Coffee Grounds?
Reduce, reuse, recycle—ever since the 1970s, this slogan has been used to encourage people to minimize the number of things they buy and how much they toss in the trash every day. One way to reduce the amount of waste that you send to a landfill is to learn how to compost food products for use in your garden.
If you’re a coffee drinker, composting coffee grounds can help reduce your impact on the environment while providing great nourishment for your plants. Recycling coffee grounds into nutrient-rich compost will also make you feel good about your daily cup of Joe!
Benefits of Coffee Grounds in the Garden
Adding coffee grounds to your compost is a great way to improve the health of your soil and plants. When broken down in a compost pile, coffee grounds are an excellent source of nitrogen that your plants can use to grow tall and healthy. Even though coffee as a beverage is acidic, coffee grounds themselves are pH neutral, meaning they won’t affect the acidity of your soil. This is because all of the acidic compounds in coffee are water-soluble, so they end up in the brew you drink rather than in the leftover grounds.
Coffee grounds also improve the structure of your soil, making it fluffier and more absorbent. Plus, the grounds repel pests like slugs and snails, making them an excellent natural insect repellent!
Methods of Composting Coffee Grounds
If you’re interested in using coffee grounds in compost, there are many ways to do it. Consider one of these popular methods for composting coffee grounds at home:
Add Coffee Grounds to the Soil
One way to use coffee in the garden is to mix it into the dirt. First, sprinkle the grounds directly on top. Then, dig them into the soil with a shovel or trowel to incorporate them. If you leave them on the top of the soil, they’ll create a crust that repels water. However, if you don’t want to dig, you can cover the coffee grounds with leaves or other kinds of compostable materials. Eventually, they will break down and add nutrients to the dirt.
Add Coffee Grounds to Your Compost Pile
You can add coffee grounds directly to your compost pile. Use equal parts grounds, grass clippings, and dried leaves or another source of carbon (like shredded paper or coffee filters). Then, mix this into your compost and rotate it frequently until it breaks down.
Add Coffee Grounds to Your Worm Bin
If you have a worm bin, you can also add coffee grounds to it. Although slugs and snails aren’t fans of coffee grounds, worms love them. Add the grounds a little at a time so that the worms will slowly get used to them. They’ll eat and digest the coffee and transform it into worm castings that you can use in your garden or on your houseplants.
Composting Coffee Filters and Coffee Pods
You might be wondering, “Are coffee filters compostable?” The answer is yes! Paper coffee filters can also be used in your compost pile. However, you should tear them into small pieces before you add them so that they will break down more easily. Not only is this a great way to dispose of your used filters, but it also adds carbon to your compost.
Wondering how to compost coffee pods, meanwhile? Pod-style coffee makers generate tons of waste each year. Until someone invents 100 percent compostable coffee pods, you will need a tool like the Recycle a Cup® cutter that separates the plastic and foil waste from the compostable filter and grounds. This allows you to recycle the plastic cup and the foil top while composting the paper filter and the coffee grounds.
Whether you want to compost coffee grounds, need to know how to use leftover coffee or want to practice tea bag composting, Recycle a Cup® can help. Contact us today to learn more!
More Than Just an Addition to Your Compost: 7 Creative Uses for Coffee Grounds
Everyone loves the convenience of pod-style coffee makers. However, if you aim to be eco-friendly in your day-to-day life, you may be surprised about the tremendous amount of trash these coffee makers generate. Luckily, you can enjoy your coffee pods while saving the environment from unnecessary waste with Recycle a Cup®. Our device allows you to easily separate the components of your Keurig® K-Cups into recyclable, compostable bits. You can then recycle the aluminum pod top and plastic cup and compost the filter and coffee grounds. You don’t have to choose between an earth-friendly lifestyle and your favorite coffee maker when you use Recycle a Cup® to create compostable K-Cups!
Of course, when you disassemble the K-Cups, you will still need a plan for what to do with the leftover coffee grounds and filters. Did you know that there are many uses for coffee grounds all around your home besides composting coffee grounds?
Let’s take a closer look at seven ideas for using leftover coffee grounds:
1. Garden Fertilizer
Those who wish to grow lovely flowers, tasty vegetables, and beautiful trees and shrubs may find themselves relying on harsh chemical fertilizers to give their plants what is needed. However, there’s a better way! You can use coffee grounds as an all-natural, plant-based fertilizer by sprinkling them around your plants.
Of course, you can also practice coffee composting. If you have ever wondered, “Can you put coffee grounds in compost?” or “Are coffee filters compostable?” The answer is absolutely. Coffee composting is a great way to reduce the trash that goes out to the landfill each week while benefiting your garden. You can also compost coffee filters in the exact same way that you compost the coffee grounds.
2. Insect Repellent (It’s a Natural Pesticide!)
Coffee has certain compounds in it that are poisonous to mosquitos, fleas, and other insects. Slugs and snails don’t like crawling over coffee grounds either, so if you toss them around your plants, you will protect the plants from being eaten by these pests.
To repel biting insects, set out bowls of coffee grounds around outdoor seating areas, or you can simply lay the coffee grounds on the soil underneath where you like to enjoy the outdoors.
3. Flea Repellent
Did you know that you can use coffee grounds on your pets as a natural way to repel fleas? Rub your used coffee grounds on your pet’s fur, getting as close to their skin as possible. Then, rinse the coffee grounds away. This may not be very effective for heavily infested animals, but it may work well if you’re trying to be proactive.
4. Cleaning Scrub
If you want to avoid harsh, chemical cleansers in your household, try using coffee grounds as an abrasive cleaner. You can use these to scour your sink and tub or clean anything that needs a good scrubbing.
5. Odor Neutralizer
Did you know that coffee grounds have nitrogen, a gas that can neutralize other odor-causing gasses? Bowls of coffee grounds placed in the refrigerator, closet, or basement can help absorb smelly odors. You can also put them in your gym locker, car, or in your dresser drawers to help eliminate foul smells in these places.
6. Substrate to Grow Mushrooms
Most mushrooms will only grow in certain conditions with a particular kind of substrate. Did you know coffee grounds provide just the perfect conditions for mushrooms to grow? They’re also packed with nutrients they need. Simply add the mushroom spawns and keep the bag of coffee grounds in a warm place — they will grow in no time!
7. Natural Skin Exfoliator
There is no need to buy expensive specialized skin products if you are a wise consumer. Many things that are found in your kitchen can be used to create all-natural beauty products. Coffee grounds are one of these items. You can use them as an exfoliant to remove dead skin and refresh your appearance. Just mix used coffee grounds with coconut or olive oil and use it as a scrub on your face, body, or hands.
You can still enjoy K-Cup coffee every day when you use the Recycle a Cup® cutter to create wonderful compostable products. We are the #1 eco-friendly solution for enjoying pod-style coffee while caring for the environment. Contact us today to learn more!
How To Brew Coffee Pods without a Machine
Coffee pods are designed to be used with a pod-based brewing system, such as the Keurig, and they offer great convenience when you brew them as intended. However, you don’t necessarily have to use these pods with a machine. K-Cup® pods typically referred to as K-Cups can actually be used without standard brewing equipment. Below, we’re showing you how. Let’s take a look!
What Are K-Cup® Pods?
So what are K-Cup® Pods? K-Cup® are branded coffee pods that are used with the Keurig® brewing system. They’re one of the most well-known types of plastic pods for brewing coffee, but they aren’t the only coffee pod brand available.
All of these pods are designed to create a single cup of coffee quickly and conveniently with a specific type of brewing system. However, they can also be brewed on their own. The instructions below work not only for K-Cup® pods but also for all coffee pods.
How To Use the Recycle a Cup® Cutter
In order to brew K-Cup® pods (or any other type of coffee cups) without a machine, you’ll need a way to separate the individual components. The Recycle a Cup® cutter makes separation quick and easy – even faster and more convenient than the standard brewing process.
To use the Recycle a Cup® cutter, simply put the device over the top of the pod and twist it a few rotations. The cutter will separate the foil top from the plastic pod, and you can pull out the paper filter that contains the coffee grounds. Not only does this allow you to brew your coffee without a machine, but it also prepares your pod for responsible disposal when you’re done with it.
How to Brew K-Cup® Pods Without a Machine
To brew K-Cup® pods without a machine, follow these simple steps:
- Separate the coffee pod using the Recycle a Cup® Cutter (see instructions above).
- Remove the paper filter and coffee grounds.
- Dispose of the plastic cup and aluminum cover appropriately. If you will be recycling your coffee pods, be sure to check with your local plant to ensure they accept the specific materials.
- Place the paper filter and grounds in a coffee cup.
- Pour six ounces of hot water over the paper filter and grounds.
- Stir the filter and grounds gently to help the water soak through.
- Let the grounds steep for a few minutes and then remove the filter.
- Enjoy your fresh cup of coffee!
How long you let the grounds steep depends on how you like your coffee. Shorter times will produce a weaker brew, while longer times will create a stronger flavor. Generally, steeping for four minutes will provide a fairly standard cup of coffee.
Can You Reuse K-Cup Pods®?
K-Cup® pods and other coffee pods generally aren’t reusable, no matter how you choose to brew them. This is because each pod only contains enough grounds for a single cup of coffee. Of course, this can create a significant amount of waste. To lessen the environmental impact of your coffee pods, be sure to dispose of them responsibly. The plastic pod and aluminum top can be recycled, while the paper filter and any leftover grounds should be composted.
Brew & Recycle Your Coffee Pods with Help from Recycle a Cup®
Coffee pods are a convenient way to make your morning cup of joe, even if you don’t have access to a Keurig® or another machine. With the Recycle a Cup® cutter, you can brew a cup of coffee at home in a matter of minutes.
For more information about K-Cup® recycling or brewing methods, contact us today!
How to Repurpose or Reuse Coffee Pod Plastic
One of the best ways to cut down on your coffee-related waste is to separate and recycle your Keurig® pods. However, recycling isn’t the only environmentally friendly solution. If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional recycling, there a variety of unique and useful options. Let’s take a look!
What Is a K-Cup® Pod?
K-Cup® pods are single-serve coffee pods intended for the Keurig brewing system. They consist of a small plastic cup that’s sealed with foil and contains a single serving of coffee grounds and a paper filter. The Keurig machine punctures a small hole in the foil top and plastic bottom, so hot water can flow through to brew the coffee.
Can K-Cup® Pods Be Reused?
Unfortunately, disposable K-Cup® pods can’t be reused to brew additional cups of coffee after one has been made. They don’t have enough grounds to make a decent (or even passable) second serving, and the holes that are made in the top and bottom make it difficult for individuals to reseal the cup. However, there are many ways to repurpose and reuse your empty K-Cup® pods to keep them out of landfills and waterways.
How Can K-Pods Be Repurposed?
Before you can reuse your plastic pods, there are a few simple steps you must follow:
Step 1: Separate the K-Cup® Pod’s Components
The easiest and most effective way to do this is to use a tool like the Recycle A Cup® cutter. This tool attaches to the top of the K-Cup® pod and has two rotating blades that remove the top foil part with just a turn of the wrist.
After you finish cutting the K-Cup® pod apart, you’ll be left with three main components – the aluminum foil top, the paper filter and coffee grounds from inside the pod, and the plastic cup. Don’t just throw these pieces in the garbage – there are several ways to dispose of them responsibly.
Step 2: Discard the Aluminum Foil
Unless you are extraordinarily creative, there aren’t many ways to reuse the aluminum foil that seals the top of the K-Cup® pod. However, this material can be recycled at most recycling plants – just be sure to check with your local establishment before you throw it in your bin.
Step 3: Compost the Paper Filter and Coffee Grounds
You may be tempted to throw the leftover coffee grounds and paper filter in the garbage, but there’s a simple, eco-friendly alternative. Composting coffee is a great way to do your environmental due diligence and create an ideal area for gardening. The best part? All you have to do is add your K-Cup® pods’ biodegradable components to a compost pile. To set up a new one, all you need are red worms (also known as red wigglers) and a mound of dirt – you can even use a plastic bin if you live in an apartment without outdoor space.
If you don’t have the time or resources to set up a composting pile or bin, simply throw your used paper filters and coffee grounds in your yard, and the earthworms in the dirt will eventually break everything down. Plus, the soil in that area will become rich with nutrients, which creates a fertile, sustainable environment for gardening.
Step 4: Repurpose the Plastic Pods
Out of all three components, the plastic cups provide the most opportunities for repurposing. With a few basic craft supplies and some creativity, you can:
- Glue the pods onto a poster board or cardboard to make an organizer for miscellaneous supplies.
- Decorate the pods to make holiday or seasonal ornaments.
- Use the pods with young children to teach stacking, sorting, counting, and other concepts.
- Use them as molds for creating soaps and bath bombs.
- Plant seeds in the pods to make seedling starters.
- Turn them into circle stamps for arts and crafts projects.
- Freeze juices and other beverages in the pods to create mini popsicles.
These are just a sampling of the many different ways you can reuse K-Cup® pods. When it comes to coffee pod recycling, the only limit is your imagination.
Repurpose Your Used K-Cup® Pods with the Recycle A Cup® Cutter
If you use a Keurig® K-Cup® pods or other coffee pod brewing system to make your morning cup of jo, it’s important to consider the environmental impacts these products pose. While it may be easiest to simply throw the entire used pod in the trash, this contributes to a significant amount of waste. Instead, consider repurposing your plastic pods to make your coffee habit more environmentally friendly.
Want to learn more? Recycle A Cup® is here to help! Contact us today to learn more about recyclable K-Cup® pods, our Recycle A Cup® cutter, and how you can do your part to protect the environment.